Gallery Visit 1: Arvada Center; Art of the State
This exhibit was a lot of fun! There were so many piece's that made me think and even question how art is seen throughout our community. One of my favorite piece's was a sculpture that was made of rice puff cereal and clothing. It was really life like silhouette (minus actual human detail). This really makes me want to try realism and play around with other art medias that might not seem like they could be used for art, like cereal.
Gallery Visit 2: Denver Art Museum
This museum was full different floors that were filled of different cultures, I personally liked the Japanese floor. I want to try making brush strokes that look feather-y in my own paintings.
I also really liked the Victorian floor. This painting really grabbed my attention because of the realism aspect and how it doesn't even look like a painting. I want to try more realism in my own art.
Gallery Visit 3: Out Door Gallery
I visited the outdoor galley by the Arvada Center. Most of the pieces's were more modern, which is a really confusing style of art to me, but the sculptures were amazing to look at! I admired this particular sculpture that was of a bunch of blue sticks. I want to try using movement into my art, like this piece does.Your eye
moves along with it.

FALL SEMESTER: Begging Graphic Design (A)
SPRING SEMESTER: Intermediate and Advanced Drawing (A)
Commission Project: Painting of Pomona Panther that is in Milly's (Mrs.Mills) office. And is the Choir T-shirt Design.

Commission for my father's friend
Self-portrait of his father.
Young Masters Show entries:
Colored pencil drawing of Robot Girl

Online presence: Deviant Art--kkluvsart