Hi I'm Chanel Villia♥!!

I went to the outdoor exhibit at the arvada center and with this particular peice i found to be my favorite. It has suck great movement that the shining and shadows on it make it pop along all the others. It will influence my are for more whimsy and curves. It's taken geometric shapes and made them organic which I love.

Now for this one I'm sorry about the quality I was trying to be sneaky. But this was at the Art Museum and it was a video of people in "hair" suits and they were dancing around and jumping. This inspires me to step outside the box. It was set up in a room where you could put pieces together and create something new and I think being around creative things with just give me more inspiration, I don't remember the name of the gallery but it was at the beginning of this year

These were from the Pomona gallery. In the first picture The realism is great and the highlights being so extreme make alowed me to take some risks with my drawings this year and the 2nd picture shows two contradictory things to make a statement. I also like that it was in a white background for more emphasis on the picture.
This year I was in Intermediate Jewelry and Beginning Drawing

This was my commission piece. It was purchased by Mr. Guise
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chanelsart This is where I put the art I have done this year and last year. It also has something i find inspiration in.
I entered two pieces into the Pomona Young Master Art Show this year
This is my Collab piece i did with Rae. She taught me how to make a pot and she came up with the belly shape. I wanted a tree on it and we compromised on the size. I wanted it small she wanted it big, so we met in the middle. Rae carved the tree and I really like the texture on the inside because it gives the piece more character. It was a lot of fun to make with her and i learned how to compromise on a piece to make everyone's ideas complete.
Chanel-pics still aren't visable. collaboration piece needs to be a finished piece